Angelic’s Vision

Angelic’s Vision

My Vision

East Penn School Vision

After many conversations with taxpayers, parents, teachers, and students these are the top priorities many stakeholders are concerned about. If elected, my priorities are the following:

Emmaus High School
  • Student and teacher safety in the classrooms, hallways, cafeterias, and playgrounds. This includes improving transparency from the district regarding safety concerns within a building as well as the overall district as well as an analysis of the current disciplinary policy to determine if the current policy is effective in addressing building behaviors or disciplinary infractions.
  • Ensuring a high-preforming district by data based strategic planning, organizational development and accountability this includes implementing procedures to improve transparency from the school board and district administration.
  • Create meaningful opportunities for teachers to provide feedback and recommendations to continuously improve the district’s education and culture.
  • Communication with respect to students facing IEP goals.
  • Increase support personal for schools that are challenged to meet IEP goals due to lack of qualified personnel. Similarly, design communication strategies for students.
  • Curriculum and instruction equity within all schools. (report cards, teacher feedback, grading procedures, student experiences and coursework consistency). This also includes academic accountability- support benchmarks to close achievement gaps.
  • Partner with Human Resources to implement an effective recruitment and retention strategy.
  • Building maintenance operational facilities concerns.
  • Ensure fiscal responsibility by understanding how money within the district is being utilized effectively and efficiently.

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